
What Are The Negative Impacts of Substance Abuse in Adolescents?

  What Are The Negative Impacts of Substance Abuse in Adolescents? November 23, 2021 A teenage girl who experimenting with substances What Substances Are Affecting Adolescents, and How Are They Affected? The most commonly used substances among teens and young adults are marijuana, alcohol, and tobacco. These substances are commonly used by people of this age group without knowing the effects they have. The use of drugs and alcohol at a young age affects the growth and development of the body and brain that could be permanent. Teens that partake in substance use and abuse are often also included in risk-taking behaviors such as unsafe sex practices and impaired or dangerous driving. According to the CDC , the earlier in life someone starts to abuse substances is correlated with the higher risk of addiction in adulthood. The continued use of substances such as drugs and alcohol in adolescent years could greatly affect the health of a person as they age. Common long-term effects on an...

Children of Parents that Abuse Alcohol and What's Going on Inside Their Heads

Children of Parents that Abuse Alcohol and What's Going on Inside Their Heads You might think you know what children go through in households with parents that abuse alcohol but do you? Illustration depicting how alcohol can be deadly             According to the  Journal of Child and Family Studies , "the 2007 National Survey on Drug Use and Health reports that 8.3 million children live with at least one parent who abused or was dependent on alcohol or an illicit drug during the past year."     Alcohol  abuse, defined by the  American Addiction Centers , "is characterized by an inability to stop drinking despite the social, occupational, and health problems it causes." When a parent abuses alcohol, not only is the spouse affected but the child as well. A child with a parent that abuses alcohol is exposed to unpredictable behavior, arguments between parents, and hectic environments. The effects of parental alcohol abuse on chil...

Drug Addiction and how it affects our community

  Battle Against Drug Abuse  Drug abuse has been a nationwide issue that has been increasing over the years. What is drug addiction you may ask? According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse , “Drug addiction is when you can’t stop taking the drug even if you want to. The urge is too strong to control, even if you know the drug is causing harm. Addiction can become more important than the need to eat or sleep. The urge to get and use the drug can fill every moment of your life.” Individuals feel a sense of relief when the drug enters their system and takes over their life.  If you have concerns about an individual dealing with drug abuse, look for trigger signs or warnings. A trigger can be a place, person, thing, smell, or memory that reminds that individual of a drug. The National Institute of Drug Abuse states “ A trigger can be something stressful that you want to escape from. It can even be something that makes you feel happy. It's easy to notice the temperamen...

Benefits And Drawbacks Of Cochlear Implants In A Classroom And Socially

Benefits And Drawbacks Of Having Cochlear implants in a classroom And Socially There are many reasons why cochlear implants are important for children in academics and personally.                                        A student wearing a cochlear implant in school  Imagine being a child or anyone not able to hear. It would be frightening. Jamie Wenger is deaf, she got diagnosed as a newborn. It appeared to me that it never bothered Jamie. She always showed it was normal for her and never effected her. At 8 months old she started to hear with hearing aids. At 3 years old she received the surgery for cochlear implants. With having cochlear implants she was able to talk clearer and she was more happy with being able to hear better. Deaf children should have cochlear implants because it helps with their education and will allow them to have more normal social life with hearing and spe...
Old and Alone: U.S vs Elder Abuse The term elder abuse encompasses intentional acts such as taking money from an elderly person and not caring for them or taking advantage of their assets when they are incapable of communicating for themselves. On the other hand, there is unintentional abuse, which occurs when family members and caregivers lack the time, training, or money to properly care for their loved ones, who wind up neglected as a result. According to the U.S. Department of Justice , elder abuse and financial exploitation are both crimes, but can be difficult to prove in court. The National Adult Protective Services Association's Kathleen Quinn recently told the Senate Special Committee on Aging elder abuse is common, mostly hidden, expensive, and lethal. The prevalence of elder abuse is expected to grow without strong regulations. Strong patient care policies and procedures are essential. The body of 77-year-old Elaine Latshaw was found in her home covered in urine, feces...

The Truth Behind Against Drug Addiction

  Battle Against Drug Abuse  Drug abuse has been a nationwide issue that has been increasing over the years. What is drug addiction you may ask? According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse , “Drug addiction is when you can’t stop taking the drug even if you want to. The urge is too strong to control, even if you know the drug is causing harm. Addiction can become more important than the need to eat or sleep. The urge to get and use the drug can fill every moment of your life.” Individuals feel a sense of relief when the drug enters their system and takes over their life.  If you have concerns about an individual dealing with drug abuse, look for trigger signs or warnings. A trigger can be a place, person, thing, smell, or memory that reminds that individual of a drug. The National Institute of Drug Abuse states “ A trigger can be something stressful that you want to escape from. It can even be something that makes you feel happy. It's easy to notice the temperamen...

Negative Impact of Parents in Sports

 Negative Impact of Parents in Sports           Parent involvement is sports is starting to get children, coaches, and referees to hate the sports .We all know the parent who constantly yells onto the court or field during the game Yelling at their kid to take a better shot or to move faster or yelling at the coaches to call a better play or put someone else in. These parents do not know the long term harm they are producing onto others. They are ruining the athletic experience for their children and other people’s children. A lot of parent’s don’t realize that they are ruining these sporting events and claim that they are just trying to help out their child or stick up for the team, when in reality they are making a fool of themselves and embarrassing their kids. No, not all parents are like this but the amount that are, are making a immense impact.    ...