What Are The Negative Impacts of Substance Abuse in Adolescents?
What Are The Negative Impacts of Substance Abuse in Adolescents? November 23, 2021 A teenage girl who experimenting with substances What Substances Are Affecting Adolescents, and How Are They Affected? The most commonly used substances among teens and young adults are marijuana, alcohol, and tobacco. These substances are commonly used by people of this age group without knowing the effects they have. The use of drugs and alcohol at a young age affects the growth and development of the body and brain that could be permanent. Teens that partake in substance use and abuse are often also included in risk-taking behaviors such as unsafe sex practices and impaired or dangerous driving. According to the CDC , the earlier in life someone starts to abuse substances is correlated with the higher risk of addiction in adulthood. The continued use of substances such as drugs and alcohol in adolescent years could greatly affect the health of a person as they age. Common long-term effects on an...